This consent form covers all youth club organised events, including residentials, conferences and day meetings. This form should be completed by a parent/guardian if you are under 18, before you are able to participate in any activities with the youth club. If you are 18 or over you should complete the form yourself and sign at the end of the second page. Failure to return a completed form means you will be unable to attend youth club and any events organised by the youth club.
  • Contact Details

  • Name of group leader: Hayley Vasey - Activities Officer Contact number: 07741637043 Alan Lonsdale Manager Contact Number: 07824883335
  • Child/Young Person Information (to be completed by parent/carer)

  • Emergency Contact

  • Medical Information

  • If there are any activities you DO NOT wish your child to participate in, YOU MUST inform a member of staff before they attend a session.
  • Responsibility for Child/Young Person Arriving/Departing Activity Sessions

  • Photographic Consent and virtual activities

  • At times, photographs or video may be taken for promotional or publicity purposes. If you DO NOT wish your child to be photographed or videoed, YOU MUST inform a member of staff.
  • Declaration

  • I will support Kidz Konnekt with information about my child and families wellbeing should anyone have symptoms of a virus such as Covid 19, Flu, Chicken Pox, Measles, Sickness and/or diarrhoea Or any other illness I will inform staff and consider if my child should attend activities. I will support Kidz Konnekt to ensure my child’s consents to new harm reduction behaviour’s and social distancing to support the wellbeing of staff and other members.
  • Clear Signature